Sunday, 3 October 2010

Jody Zellen and a Possible Project

I have been looking at some of Jody Zellens art work which deals with urban environments and the web as a space to sculpt the city.

The style of much of her net-art uses fragmented, abstracted and distorted images (often photographs from the internet and mass media) to give the sense of how the net can be used to sculpt an imaginary space. For example  Crowds and Power (2002) uses images of crowds and pop-up windows of individuals to show how the individual is displaced and forgotten in such urban environments. The individual becomes lost in the crowd.

This is the type of style I would like to use in my project. But also this has led me to some more ideas I could potentially use for my project. To begin, the mass media creates a selected view of the world and presents it to the reader, user or spectator 24 hours every day. I want to take one day and collect as much as images, videos, sound clips and written text, and create a virtual space for all this information in a similar style to Jody Zellen. Through this illustrate how the user is bombarded with information on a daily basis, and by fragmenting and distorting this information show how we only see a small world view of each of these events in the mass media. The user will be able to explore this day through the use of animations, images, hypertext links, pop-ups and so on.

More to follow...

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